Buy Hemp BHW Waxed Hemp Twine – Hemp Wick Bees Wax 700ft (10) Per Bees Wax with fast and free delivery.
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BHW Waxed Hemp Twine – Hemp Wick Bees Wax 700ft (10) Per Bees Wax

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BHW Waxed Hemp Twine – Hemp Wick Bees Wax (10) Per Bees Wax

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Hemp Derivatives
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BHW Waxed Hemp Twine – Hemp Wick Bees Wax (10) Per Bees Wax



$191.00 (2% off)   
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Concentration: 1MG

Amount Per Serving: Thickness: 1mm, Test Strength: 20lbs, Length: 700ft, Weight: 300g/ball Material: 100% Hemp Twine, 100% Natural (Pesticide-Free Bees Wax)

AI Ingredient Analysis

Good. This product’s ingredients have been analyzed for quality & safety. 1. H  See more

Manufacturer's Notes

Name: BHW

Location: 1810 E Sahara Ave unit 328, Las Vegas, NV 89104, USA

Product Description: Hemp wick is a natural alternative to traditional lighters or matches for igniting tobacco or herbs. It’s a thin, twisted twine made from hemp fibers that are coated in organic beeswax. You can use it as an alternative to lighting your smokable herbs. And it can even be used to light several candles at one time without – so you don’t waste lighter fluid. A lot of people are using waxed hemp twine as a replacement for inhaling the fumes from a lighter (lighter not included in purchase) Not only is hemp wick a healthier option for lighting your herbs, but it also has a slower burn rate than traditional lighters. This means that you can enjoy a longer and more controlled burn, allowing you to savor the flavor and aroma of your herbs. Additionally, the beeswax coating on the hemp twine provides a natural and subtle sweetness to your smoking experience. With 700ft of wick per spool, it will last you for a long time. It is also incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of other purposes, such as tying up plants in your garden or creating unique and eco-friendly crafts. Overall, if you are looking for a healthier and more sustainable way to light your herbs, then waxed hemp twine is definitely worth getting. It is a natural and affordable alternative that not only benefits your health but also the environment. So why not give it a try and see the difference for yourself? Hemp Wick Benefits Hemp wick is a natural, sustainable, and healthier alternative to using a lighter to light your herb. Here are some of the main benefits of using hemp wick: Cleaner burn: Waxed Hemp Twine burns at a lower temperature than a lighter, which produces less smoke and fewer harmful chemicals. This means that you can inhale fewer toxins when you smoke with hemp wick. Better flavor: The lower temperature of waxed hemp twine also preserves the flavor of your herb, giving you a more enjoyable smoking experience. Get rid of that butane lighter flavor and experience the herb the way it was meant to be experienced. More control: It burns more slowly and evenly than a lighter, giving you more control over your smoking experience. Eco-friendly: It’s made from 100% organic hemp fibers and is biodegradable, making it a more sustainable choice than a lighter. Affordable: It’s relatively inexpensive, making it a cost-effective way to improve your smoking experience

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Manufactured by: BHW

1810 E Sahara Ave unit 328, Las Vegas, NV 89104, USA

Other Information
Hemp wick is a natural alternative to traditional lighters or matches for igniting tobacco or herbs. It’s a thin, twisted twine made from hemp fibers that are coated in organic beeswax. You can use it as an alternative to lighting your smokable herbs. And it can even be used to light several ca See more
100% Hemp Twine, 100% Natural (Pesticide-Free Bees Wax)
Follow instructions on container, please make sure to consult with your doctor before taking this product.
Thickness: 1mm, Test Strength: 20lbs, Length: 700ft, Weight: 300g/ball Material: 100% Hemp Twine, 100% Natural (Pesticide-Free Bees Wax)
Information on how to read lab test results

The first thing you look for in a test result is the cannabinoid profile. The cannabinoids you expect to find depend on the type of CBD product you are looking at.

A full-spectrum product should have CBD, THC, and some of the lesser-known cannabinoids. If the product's label says th See more

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